lessrest wrote in takenote_icons Sep 16, 2011 17:58
tv:dexter, tv:buffy the vampire slayer, tv:supernatural, tv:hellcats, tv:merlin, movie:serenity, actress, tv:being human, tv:stargate sg-1, tv:psych, movie, actor:chris pine, tv:dollhouse, tv:firefly, tv:white collar
watchpoint wrote in takenote_icons Feb 21, 2011 20:10
actor:chris pine, tv:mad men, tv:buffy the vampire slayer, tv:farscape, user:clearthe_area, tv:being human, tv:the west wing
totallybalanced wrote in takenote_icons Jun 19, 2009 23:27
actor:chris pine, movie:star trek, actor:karl urban, actor:zachary quinto
duskwillow wrote in takenote_icons Jun 15, 2009 18:37
actor, actor:karl urban, tv:smallville, television, actor:zachary quinto, user:duskwillow, movie, actor:chris pine, movie:star trek, wallpapers, header